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Albemarle headquarter

Location: Budapest

Date: 2024

Size: 5500 m2 

Interior Design: Demeter Design Studio

Design Team: Ákos Csigó, Nóra Demeter, Petra Farkas, Manó Karlinger, Anita Kern, Miklós Leits, Ivett Pásztor, Eszter Salgó, Árpád Szabó, Viktória Weiszhaupt, Nenad Zoric

Photo: Tamás Réthey-Prikkel


In 2024 the DDS has designed the interior of two office floors of a leading technology company in downtown Budapest.

The design calls for a complex multi-level office headquarters with a variety of spaces. Flexible office areas, diverse meeting rooms as well as creative interactive zones for the community - a townhall and canteen - represent the diverse space. Coherence in quality and complexity in design represent the mission as designed.

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